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International Symposium 2024 on Recent Trends on Emerging Technologies 3.0

The symposium on International Symposium on Recent Trends on Emerging Technologies 3.0, 02-03-Feb-24 is aimed to provide a platform to students and faculties to understand the emerging technologies trends. Every year a specific emerging technology and its influence on development in deliberated upon the symposium series promotes wide scale development of emerging technologies which facilitates student and faculties knowledge enhancement/ upgradation. The distinguished speakers from academics and industry share their thoughts and ideas that provides a common forum for deliberation and sharing recent trends. This platform creates awareness from a range of emerging technologies listed below.


  1. Artificial Intelligence and Generative AI - How is this shaping up our industry today?
  2. Future of Engineering Education
  3. Smart grids and IOT
  4. Trends in Technology shift from Sensor to IoT
  5. Machine Learning for Natural Language Processing
  6. Frugal Innovation
  7. From Statistical to Causal Reasoning
  8. Cyber Security roadmap and Data Security / Information security with AI
Registration Fee DBUU Student 200 ₹ /-
Other 500 ₹ /-


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